Download our IELC-ECCEN 2021 conference brochure. Read more about the conference schedule and keynote speakers.
Keynote Speakers will include:
- Larry Taylor, President of ACSI (USA – global)
- Wolfgang Stock, CEO of VEBS (Germany)
- Laci Demeter, ACSI Europe Director
Call for workshop proposals
Workshops will form an integral part of the IELC-ECCEN experience. Using the zoom platform, they will provide an opportunity for participants to hear from speakers on topics that are relevant to them, and to share experiences and questions with others. These workshops will occur from 15:00 to 15:50 CET each day of the conference (March 3-5).
We would like to ask you to consider offering a workshop connected to on the theme/sub-theme. If you are willing to serve your fellow educational leaders in this way, please fill out this workshop proposal form ( Deadline: February 8).
Read more
www.eccen.eu or www.acsieurope.org
Register now!
Registration Link (deadline: March 1, 2021)
ECCEN (European Conference for Christian Education in the Netherlands) organises conferences for school leaders and teachers in Christian Schools across Europe, drawing together different cultures, nationalities and professions within Christian education. ECCEN conferences are organised by VGS, Driestar Christian University and the Jacobus Fruytier Scholengemeenschap.